因我院教学需要,现公开招聘外籍英语教师 1-2名
1. 遵守中华人民共和国法律法规,无不良犯罪记录。
2. 具有大学学士学位并具有2年以上语言类教学工作经验或具有大学学士学位并已取得符合要求的国际语言教学证书,如TESCOL证书。
3. 年龄25-60周岁,英语母语人士,所授语言为其母语,身体情况良好。
4. 具有良好的沟通交流能力。
二. 薪资待遇
1. 学院每年按11个月发放工资。每月工资待遇为7000元人民币。
2. 享受每月国际差旅补贴600-900元,学院根据不同国家和地区规定相应的国际差旅(亚洲国家和地区为600元每月,欧美国家和地区为900元每月)。国际差旅分为11个月随每月工资一并发放。提前离任不补发余下差旅。
3. 享受每月300元用餐补助。用餐补助每月自动发放到外籍教师的福州大学至诚学院后勤卡中。
4. 享受每年4000元中华人民共和国法律法规规定的国家法定节假日的节日津贴。
1. 合同期限为一年,到期后可根据上年度合同执行情况续约。
2. 每周16课时,并承担学生课外活动和学科竞赛指导。
6.体检证明 (由中国检验检疫机构出具的境外人员体格检查记录验证证明或健康检查证明书,或经中国检验检疫机构认可的境外卫生医疗机构出具的体检证明,签发时间均在6个月内)
9.国内转聘的外籍教师提交上述所有材料之外还需提交下述材料:9.1有效居留许可、9.2 原工作许可注销证明
有意者请于2017年4月20日前将申请材料发送至福州大学外事办邮箱:faozc@fzu.edu.cn 邮件标题是外籍教师申请材料+个人姓名
English Teaching Position Recruitment
Fuzhou University Zhicheng College is looking for (one or two) English language teachers as English language teaching developments.
Firstly, general requirements:
1. Candidates should abide by the People's Republic of China laws and regulations and they should not have any bad criminal record in their homeland and in China.
2. Candidates should be bachelor degree holders and should have two years language teaching experiences. Or candidates should have a bachelor degree and should have a recognized TESOL certificate.
3. The age for each applicant should between 25-60 years old, English native speakers with a good physical condition. They will expect to teach their mother language.
4. They should have good communication skills.
Secondly, about the salary
1. The intended foreign teacher is going to receive 11 months salary each year. Each month the salary is 7000RMB.
2. The intended foreign teacher is going to receive international travel allowance from 600RMB to 900RMB per month, depending on the location of their motherland (Asian countries or areas is 600RMB per month, European countries/America/Canada/Australia is 900RMB per month). The allowance is going to offer with the salary every month.
3. The intended foreign teacher is going to has 300RMB meal allowance. It is going to be invested into the Fuzhou University Logistic card.
4. The intended foreign teacher is going to receive 4000RMB festival allowance per year. The festival should be designated by law and regulations in China.
Thirdly, job description
1. The period for serving is one academic year. The extension depends on their performances in last academic year.
2. Giving 16 class hours each week and guiding extra curricular academic activities.
Fourthly, application documents
1. Personal resume in Chinese and English
2. A copy of passport (6 months validity with one piece of visa page in blank).
3. A copy of the highest academic certification (it should be recognized by Chinese embassy)
4. A color photo (within 6 months, with a white background, no border, facial features complete, clear image, no spots, blemishes, ink defects in.JPG format, between the size of 40K-120k bytes, not less than 354 (W) *472 (high) pixels, not more than 420 (W) *560 (high) pixels, 24 true color)
5. A reference letter (It should say the teaching experiences related to the applied position, issued by your previous working placement, including the taken position, the taken time, the taken project, certifier’s contact number. It should be seal or should be singed by the people in charge).
6. Valid Health Certificate (should be issued from Exit & Entry Administration Bureau or the oversea hospitals or medical centers recognized by Chinese government , 6 months validity)
7. A no crime record letter from your motherland (it should be recognized by Chinese embassy)
8. The family member should have the following paper: (A copy of, Passport, The relationship between the family members, health exam report, electric picture).
9. The intend foreign teachers who wish to change their employer, please follow the above steps, also they need to submit valid visa (residence permit), cancellation certificate from your previous working placement.
Fifthly, how to apply and application time
Candidates should email their application documents to the Foreign Affairs Office of Fuzhou University Zhicheng College before 20th day of April, 2017(20/04/2017). Email address: faozc@fzu.edu.cn Telephone: 0591-87720139/83601170